
Minidoka County Fair & Rodeo

July 28th - August 2nd, 2025

2025 Baking Contests

King Arthur Flour Baking Contest.

 ** Red Velvet Cake - Adults**

Sponsored by King Arthur Flour

Entries for the contest will be accepted Monday, July 28th from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

1st Place - $75 gift card

2nd Place - $50 gift card

3rd Place - $25 gift card

** Oatmeal Cookies- Youth**

1st Place - $40 gift card

2nd Place - $25 gift card

3rd Place - King Arthur Tote Bag


Leann's Pie Contest

Judged by the County Commissioners
Bake your any Berry Pie and enter it in this Special Contest!

Judging for this contest will take place in the Drill Hall of the McGregor Building at 3 pm. on Wednesday, July 30th. 

Pies will be accepted on regular entry day or Wednesday, July 30th, from 9 AM until 2 PM. 

Pies that are accepted on Wednesday must have been pre-entered. 

No new entries will be accepted after 6 PM Monday, July 29th.  

Sponsored by the Minidoka County Fair Board


Minidoka Grain Growers Baking Contest

Sponsored by the Minidoka Grain Growers

Make your favorite item using all wheat flour (white, whole-wheat, or a combination).